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This API is a subset of NICC ALA standards ND1649 and ND1651, available from
For clarity, the SOAP envelope is omitted from the remainder of the documentation. It should be noted that this is just SOAP delivery of XML messages, and is not a "web service" with WSDL.
In NICC terminology, the Active Network Operator who provides the service is the "seller", and the Service Provider who consumes the service is the "buyer".
Custom attributes are added using the XML namespace URL
Messages are exchanged using SOAP exchanges over HTTPS POST, where the request is in the POST body and the response is in the HTTP response body. As per ND1651 section 14.2, messages are encapsulated in a SOAP envelope using Document/Literal style following WS-Basic Profile 1.0.
notifyOfOrderStatus messages are HTTPS POSTed to the buyer when available, at a pre-agreed callback URL.
The schema can be located here, with examples of the various messages located in the examples directory of this documentation pack. You can also find more detailed reading and examples in “Order Error Handling in ND1651 API Testing Approach” document which can also be found in this directory along with the New ISP Onboarding Test Scenario Verification.xlsx
An example of SOAP usage can be seen below:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<!-- Content goes here -->
Authentication is by means of HTTPS client certificate. It is also restricted to pre-agreed source IP addresses.
Cityfibre provides two fixed-address API endpoints for redundancy: (IPv6: 2a05:d018:9a3:b500::100) (IPv6: 2a05:d014:b31:f200::100)
Messages may be POSTed to either of these. For convenience there is also a round-robin DNS entry: (resolves to both addresses)
Required firewall configuration is as follows.
(1) For connectivity please refer to Customer API Connectivity
Data should be posted with Content-Type: text/xml. No SOAP-Action: header is required and it will be ignored if provided. All message types go to the same endpoint.
(2) For connections from Cityfibre to buyer: buyer must allow HTTPS inbound connections to buyer's systems from IP addresses and, to whichever port their system accepts inbound connections on.
(If the buyer system allows IPv6 connectivity, then the source addresses will be from ranges 2a05:d018:9a3:b500::/56 and 2a05:d014:b31:f200::/56)
On creating an order, the Buyer must include as much information as possible about a site where Property Classification is Business or Other to ensure a successful installation. On creating an order, where necessary, a wayleave has been obtained, the install scope is under 15m externally and 10m internally on the ground floor, and two power sockets are available within 1m of the preferred location.
Name: Name of person available on-site on the day of installation who can provide internal access and has the authority to specify where the Optical Network Termination box will be located.
Email: Email address of the site contact specified above.
Phone number: Contact telephone number of the site contact for use on day of install.
Access Restrictions: Our install engineer will see what you enter here. Please advise things like: where can our van be safely parked, can you tell us alternative contact numbers for a keyholder other than the one above, for businesses, if the name above the door does not match our records; anything we need to be aware of on the day to achieve a successful entry.
If you know the preferred Optical Network Termination box location, please tell us.
Hazard Advice: If this is a commercial building built before 2000, please tell us where to find the asbestos register. If the building is not made of standard brick construction, please advise. If there is anything unusual, please tell us; a driveway laid with bespoke resin is just one example.
Project references <cfh:projectReference>
can be used to identify an order as being included in a particular project. A project reference, along with parameters of the project, will be pre-agreed between the Seller and the Buyer under a Formal Project Agreement. Parameters of the project will include a project name, start and end date, and any specific customer journey requirements.
If an invalid project reference is sent, or the project reference is sent outside of the start and end dates of the project, then the order will be rejected, and a 511 error code will be returned.
To check the availability of a given location. The buyer should send a request containing either a postcode or a UPRN.
The seller is then going to respond with detailed information about the queried location. If the buyer queried using a UPRN, the response will contain only one location. On a postcode request, the seller might respond with multiple locations that match the given postcode.
The location details include among other fields:
LOC reasons are flags which indicate known issues with this property. If there are multiple flags for a location they will be separated by spaces.
An order can be accepted for any RFS_1, RFS_2, RFS_3 or RFS_4 property.
Furthermore, the seller can query products for a given location using the location’s UPRN.
The seller will then respond with a list of one or multiple available products (if any) along with information about the need for an appointment (yes/no/maybe). The response will be one of the below listed types:
The buyer can query appointment availability, reserve an appointment and include the reservation key in the order request.
If this is not done, the order will go into a waiting state and not progress, the buyer will need to reserve an appointment and then amend the order to include the appointment reservation key before the order can complete.
Query Appointment Availability
The buyer can check the appointment availability by providing a UPRN and a product to the seller.
Then the seller may respond with an ‘Accepted’ response along with the available appointment slots.
Or if for some reason an appointment is not possible to book, the seller will respond with a ‘Rejected’ response and with the reason why there is no appointment availability for the given data.
In order to reserve an appointment, the buyer should provide the UPRN, product and the appointment slot that they desire to the seller.
The seller can then reply with a successful response if such appointment can be booked along with the appointment details and a reservation key.
Or with a rejected response if there was any issue with booking the appointment along with the reason why such thing is not possible.
The order is created using an orderRequest message containing an <alaNewInstall>
element. The Service Provider can choose between PPPoE Intermediate Agent or Layer 2 DHCP Relay Agent for authentication. This is a legacy field and regardless of selection the Service Provider is able to provide services using either protocol. DHCP and PPPoE discovery frames are modified to insert circuit ID and remote ID to assist the Service Provider in authentication.
The Seller provides the ability to order services that are provisioned with VLAN 0 or VLAN 911. This is enabled by the Service Provider passing a Line Profile specific to either VLAN 0 or VLAN 911. The available Line Profiles for buyers to choose from are described in Line Profiles.
The seller will then reply with an empty order response to acknowledge that the order request was received
Updates are returned in the form of notifyOfOrderStatus messages. The sequence of order states is as per ND1649 section 5.1:
Note: The ‘Cabinet Slip’ example refers to a case where:
- buyer has booked an appointment for date D1, which is on or after the cabinet release date D0
- but prior to service going live, the cabinet release date has slipped from D0 to D2, which is now after the appointment date
- hence seller has been forced to rebook the original appointment
CityFibre will accept pre orders for locations where the cabinet release date is in the future, where DR status is DR3 or below and RFS status is NOT_RFS_2
The buyer can query appointments and reserve appointments beyond the cabinet release date.
Orders placed as pre order will return a delay after KCI 2
210 | Pre-Order Awaiting Cabinet Release |
Should the cabinet release date slip, orders will be automatically reappointed and a new date provided post the new cabinet live date.
The Buyer can move between the FFN products through an automated journey meaning there is no manual effort required as well as no down time for the end customer when moving between product.
The Buyer can specify an order is a Regrade using the newOrderType field, on an RFS_4 property.
The seller (CityFibre) will handle the cease of the existing service, KCI updates will be sent to the Buyer as well as an unsolicited cease request.
Regrade orders can be cancelled using Cancel an Order. Orders can also be amended (Line profile or Requested Date) on a regrade order.
Product Regrading From | Product Regrading To |
Residential FTTH Local Access 160Mpbs | Residential FTTH Local Access (1Gbps) |
Residential FTTH Local Access (1Gbps) | Residential FTTH Local Access 160Mpbs |
Residential FTTH National Access 160Mbps | Residential FTTH National Access (1Gbps) |
Residential FTTH National Access (1Gbps) | Residential FTTH National Access 160Mbps |
Product Regrading From | Product Regrading To |
Residential FTTH Local Access 160Mpbs | Residential FTTH National Access (1Gbps) |
Residential FTTH Local Access (1Gbps) | Residential FTTH National Access 160Mpbs |
Residential FTTH National Access 160Mbps | Residential FTTH Local Access (1Gbps) |
Residential FTTH National Access (1Gbps) | Residential FTTH Local Access 160Mbps |
Residential FTTH Local Access 160Mpbs | Residential FTTH National Access 160Mbps |
Residential FTTH Local Access (1Gbps) | Residential FTTH National Access (1Gbps) |
Residential FTTH National Access 160Mbps | Residential FTTH National Access 160Mbps |
Residential FTTH National Access (1Gbps) | Residential FTTH Local Access (1Gbps) |
Buyer checks availability
Buyer submits order.
KCI.1 Order Acknowledged issued to Buyer
KCI.2 Order Committed issued to Buyer
Seller sends unsolicited cease to buyer
Amendments are checked and either everything is accepted or rejected
Cease is completed at midnight of the requested date. (Usually this happens at 00:00 and is complete by 2am).
Provision ONT
Seller sends KCI.3
The buyer may request to amend an order if it is still in early stages.
The seller can then accept or reject the amendment of the order
Furthermore, notifyOfOrderStatus requests will reflect the amendment request
It is possible for the buyer to request that an order be cancelled before it is completed. Orders may also be cancelled by the seller if it is no longer possible to progress an order.
The buyer may request to cancel the order if it is still in early stages.
The seller will then reply with the status of the cancellation
This will also reflect the notifyOfOrderStatus requests
The seller may cancel the order if it is no longer possible to proceed. The buyer will retrieve a notifyOfOrderStatus.
Once a service has gone live, changing the line profile or requesting a change of ENNI/VLAN is done by means of an orderRequest
The available profiles for buyers to choose from when modifying an order are shown below. We should note that the API call name should be included as part of the call:
When an order is placed, the seller defines an ENNI for the order and provides the buyer with a list of available ENNIs via the notifyOfOrderStatus request.
Then the buyer can modify the ENNI by sending back one of the codes returned in the <cfh:nniIdentifiers>
Any further notifyOfOrderStatus requests will contain the new ENNI.
To modify the ENNI, the buyer should send a modify orderRequest
In addition to changing the line profile, sellers also have the ability to modify the line profile of their active service. This can be achieved through the use of the orderRequest call. The process of modifying a line profile follows a similar flow to that of a new install order.
For the Buyer to initiate the modification of a line profile they can send the line profile in <cfh:lineProfile>
Once the line profile modification is successfully processed, all subsequent notifyOfOrderStatus requests will contain the updated line profile information.
A cease order follows the same flow with an <alaCease>
The <alaCease>
element might contain a <requestedDate>
element. If it is absent, then the cease will take place immediately. Otherwise, it will occur at the timestamp provided.
The seller will then start sending notifyOfOrderStatusRequests similarly to the standard order flow:
The buyer can also cancel the cease by sending a <cancelOrderRequest>
before the <requestedDate>
timestamp that was provided in the <alaCease>
Also, the buyer might also modify the <requestedDate>
by sending an <amendOrderRequest>
Lastly if the contract terms provide for a cease notice period, but the <requestedDate>
is less than that time in the future, then the service will be charged for the whole cease notice period.
A visual representation of the FTTH installation process can be found in the FTTH Install process as documented below
Order contains: Product; URPN; Site info (contact info, access restrictions, hazards); appointment reservation key; optional service configuration; optional auxiliary services
Reject order if:
If the order contains an appointment key: check it is for the correct UPRN, reserve it and add service ID to it. If reservation key has expired, scrub the appointment from the order
Check cabinet release date. If there is an appointment, and the CRD is later than the appointment, then cancel the appointment and notify of slip. If the cabinet is not yet ready for service, KCI2 includes delay code 210 "Waiting cabinet ready" and go back to Wait Cabinet Ready.
Check amendments and either accept everything or reject
a. Buyer cancel received: set Service state to Cancelled. Cancel the appointment reservation (if any). Terminate.
b. Seller cancel: if the property is no longer serviceable, e.g. has gone to NOT_RFS_3. (Or should this raise a case instead?)
Perform network provisioning for selected ENNI/SVLAN/CVLAN. (If it fails we could raise a case, or just go into exception for now)
If the order does not have an appointment, send notify "delayed - waiting appointment" and go to Waiting appointment, otherwise proceed to issue job pack. If appointment date has passed, mark 'failed' and wait for reappointment
Wait for buyer to amend the order to add a new appointment or cancel. Timeout if no appointment received within 30 days.
Process amendments:
Issue the job pack to the installation partner
Waiting for response from installation partner. (We may also receive interim updates/notes during this time; ) 3 possible flows
Process amendments
Update network provisioning (ENNI/SVAN/CVLAN/PPPoE/Line Profile) while waiting for installation
Perform ONT provisioning while waiting for installation
Waiting for case. Case closed successfully, go to waiting for new appointment; case cancelled, cancel order. Or we can receive cancel from buyer.
Notify completion; include warning if result no CPE or speedcheck failed.
This process is for when an end customer wants to move from one Buyer (Losing Provider) to another Buyer (Gaining Provider) on the Sellers network. In this scenario the end customer has contacted the Gaining Provider first to initiate a Gaining Provider Led Switch process.
As a key principle for Gaining Provider Led Switch Orders, any amendments to install and cease dates will be aligned to ensure a smooth transition for the end customer.
When placing an order on a property with an RFS Status of RFS_4, the Buyer must specify whether this is a Gaining Provider Led Switch Order, using newOrderType field with a value of “Switch”, this will ensure the correct journey is applied to the order, with the subsequent lead times. This does not apply for properties that have a RFS Status of RFS_1, RFS_2 or RFS_3.
If the newOrderType is not specified on an RFS_4 order, and the Buyer owns the existing service at the property, then the order will be treated as a Regrade order.
Gaining Provider Led Switch orders will default to a non-appointed provision, unless Install Options requiring an engineer installation are requested, or an ONT swap is required.
Gaining Provider Led Switch orders have a next business day lead time that covers the NOT+ (Notice of Termination Plus) required lead time for requested date, or two business days for appointment date if managed install.
Customer Requested Dates should be sent with a Date only, if a specific time is also sent, this will be aligned to midnight of the same day.
End Customer / Gaining Provider checks availability of product(s)
The Gaining Provider can query products for a given location using the location’s UPRN.
The seller will then respond with a list of the available products (if any) along with information about the need for an appointment (yes/no/maybe).
Customer Requests Appointment Date if Managed Install is Required
The Gaining Provider can check the appointment availability by providing a UPRN and a product to the seller.
Then the seller may respond with an "Accepted" response along with the available appointment slots. If an appointment is not possible to book, the seller will respond with a "Rejected" response and with the reason why there is no appointment availability for the given data.
Customer Reserves Desired Appointment
To reserve an appointment, the Gaining Provider should provide the UPRN, product and the appointment slot that they desire to the seller.
The seller will reply with a successful response if such appointment can be booked along with the appointment details and a reservation key. Or with a rejected response if there was any issue with booking the appointment along with the reason for the rejection.
Gaining Provider submits the Order Request
Seller sends KCI Order "Pending" to Gaining Provider
Seller validates Order
If the order request cannot be fulfilled the Seller will send a KCI "Rejected"
Seller validates Reserved Appointment if one is provided
Plan & Manage Switch Request
Seller creates "New Install Order" for Gaining Provider
Seller creates the "Cease Order" on behalf of Losing Provider if there is no in-flight Cease Order.
Seller links the Cease Order from the Losing Provider and the New Install Order from the Gaining Provider
Where Seller identifies an In-flight Cease Order it will be aligned to New Install Order Requested Date
Seller creates Cease Order on behalf of Losing Provider
Seller sends KCI "Unsolicited Cease Request" to Losing Provider
Seller sends KCI Cease "Pending" to Losing Provider
Seller sends KCI1 Cease "Acknowledged" to Losing Provider
Seller sends KCI2 Cease "Committed" to Losing Provider
Seller sends KCI1 Order "Acknowledged" to Gaining Provider
Seller sends KCI2 Order "Committed" to Gaining Provider
Wait for "Switch" Date
Cease Losing Provider Service
Send KCI3 Cease "Completed" to Losing Provider
Provision Gaining Provider Service
If managed Install, wait for confirmation of installation for Managed Install journey
Send KCI3 Order "Completed” to Gaining Provider
The Seller will handle the cease of the existing service, on behalf of the Losing Provider, for Switch orders. KCI updates will be sent to both Gaining Provider for the New Install Order and the Losing Provider for the Unsolicited Cease Order. Where a Cease Order is already in flight, the requested date will be aligned to the Gaining Provider New Install Order requested date.
When an Unsolicited Cease is sent to a Losing Provider, it will state that it is the result of a Switch.
If the Gaining Provider cancels the Switch Order, then the Unsolicited Cease will be automatically cancelled. Where there was already a Cease Order in flight this will not be cancelled.
Amendments to Customer Requested Date, Appointment Date and Service Configuration can be submitted by the Gaining Provider and will be accepted and actioned up to the PONR of the business day before the install.
As a key principle for Gaining Provider Led Switches, any amendments to install and cease dates will be aligned to ensure a smooth transition for the end customer.
This process covers when an end customer is moving home, and the property they are moving into already has an active service provisioned. In this scenario the end customer has contacted the Gaining Provider to request a new service.
When placing an order on an RFS_4 property, the Buyer must specify whether this is a WLTO using newOrderType field, this will ensure the correct journey is applied to the order, with the subsequent lead times. This does not apply for RFS_1, RFS_2 or RFS_3.
If the newOrderType is not specified on an RFS_4 order, and the Buyer owns the existing service at the property, then it will be assumed as a Regrade order.
Working Line Takeover orders will default to a non-appointed provision, unless Install Options requiring an engineer installation are requested, or an ONT swap is required.
Working Line Takeover orders have a 10 business day lead time that covers the NOT+ (Notice of Termination Plus) required lead time for requested date, or appointment date if managed install.
Working Line Takeover orders where the Gaining Provider is also the Losing provider, and owns the existing service = 2 days
Customer Requested Dates should be sent with a Date only, if a specific time is also sent, this will be aligned to midnight of the same day.
End Customer / Gaining Provider checks availability of product(s)
The Gaining Provider can query products for a given location using the location’s UPRN.
The seller will then respond with a list of the available products (if any) along with information about the need for an appointment (yes/no/maybe).
Customer Requests Appointment Date if Managed Install is Required
The Gaining Provider can check the appointment availability by providing a UPRN and a product to the seller.
Then the seller may respond with an "Accepted" response along with the available appointment slots. If an appointment is not possible to book, the seller will respond with a "Rejected" response and with the reason why there is no appointment availability for the given data.
Customer Reserves Desired Appointment
To reserve an appointment, the Gaining Provider should provide the UPRN, product and the appointment slot that they desire to the seller.
The seller will reply with a successful response if such appointment can be booked along with the appointment details and a reservation key. Or with a rejected response if there was any issue with booking the appointment along with the reason for the rejection.
Gaining Provider submits the Order Request
Send KCI Order "Pending" to Gaining Provider
Validate Order
If the order request cannot be fulfilled the Seller will send a KCI "Rejected"
Seller validates Reserved Appointment if one is provided
Plan & Manage Switch Request
Seller creates "WLTO Order" for Gaining Provider
Seller creates the "Cease Order" on behalf of Losing Provider if there is no in-flight Cease Order.
Seller links the Cease Order from the Losing Provider and the WLTO Order from the Gaining Provider
Where Seller identifies an In-flight Cease Order it will be aligned to WLTO Order Requested Date
Seller creates Cease Order on behalf of Losing Provider
Seller sends KCI "Unsolicited Cease Request" to Losing Provider
Seller sends KCI Cease "Pending" to Losing Provider
Seller sends KCI1 Cease "Acknowledged" to Losing Provider
Seller sends KCI2 Cease "Committed" to Losing Provider
Seller sends KCI1 Order "Acknowledged" to Gaining Provider
Seller sends KCI2 Order "Committed" to Gaining Provider
Wait for "Cease Order" Date
Cease Losing Provider Service
Send KCI3 “Cease Order” Complete to the Losing Provider
Provision Gaining Provider Service
If managed Install, wait for confirmation of installation for Managed Install journey
Send KCI3 Order "Completed” to Gaining Provide
The Seller will handle the cease of the existing service, on behalf of the Losing Provider, for WLTO Orders. KCI updates will be sent to both Gaining Provider for the WLTO Order and the Losing Provider for the Unsolicited Cease Order. Where a Cease Order is already in flight, this will be linked to the WLTO Order, and where the WLTO Order Requested Date is before the Cease Order Requested Date, the WLTO Requested Date will be aligned to the Cease Order Requested Date.
When an Unsolicited Cease is sent to a Losing Provider, it will state that this is the result of a WLTO Order.
Where the Gaining Provider cancels the WLTO Order, then the Unsolicited Cease Order will be automatically cancelled. Where there was already a Cease Order in flight this will not be cancelled.
For an Unsolicited Cease related to a Working Line Takeover Order, a Cancel Other code can be used by the Losing Provider
Amendments to Customer Requested Date, Appointment Date and Service Configuration can be submitted by the Gaining Provider and will be actioned up to the PONR of the business day before the install.
As a key principle for Working Line Takeover Orders, where any amendments to install and cease dates are requested, the Install date must be on or after the Cease Date. A Losing Provider can take control of the Cease Date by amending the requested date of the Unsolicited Cease Order. Once the Losing Provider has taken control of the WLTO Order, the Gaining provider can still amend the Service Configuration and the Requested Date. Only amendments to Requested Date where the date requested is after the Losing Providers Requested Cease Date will be accepted.
N.B. This process only represents changes to the Requested Date or Appointment Date where the WLTO Order has a Managed Install. Service Configuration related Amendments will be accepted up to the PONR.
Gaining Provider submits Amend Order Request
Validate Amend Request
Seller Responds with “Amend Requested Date / Amend Appointment Date” Pending
Where the Losing Provider “Has Control” of the WLTO Order Date
If the Amended Requested Date is after the Requested Cease Date the Amended Requested Date / Appointment Date is Accepted “Amend Requested Date / Appointment Date Accepted”
If the Amended Requested Date is before the Requested Cease Date the Amended Requested Date is Rejected “Amend Requested Date Rejected”
If the Losing Provider does not “Have Control”
Amend the Requested Date of the Cease Order to the Gaining Provider Amended Requested Date
Seller notifies the Losing Provider Requested Date Amended “GCP Amended Requested Date”
Seller notifies the Gaining Provider “Amend Requested Date / Appointment Date Accepted”
If Managed Install and amended Appointment Date is after the PONR, Amend Request is rejected “Amend Appointment Date Rejected”
Losing Provider submits Amend Cease Order Request
Seller validates the Amend Request
Seller Responds with “Amend Requested Date” Pending
If the Amended Requested Date is before the WLTO Requested Date the Amended Requested Date is Accepted “Amend Requested Date / Appointment Date Accepted”
Where the Amended Requested Date is after the Requested WLTO Date
If the WLTO Order is not Managed Install, the Amended Requested Date is Accepted “LCP Amended Requested Date”
If the WLTO Order is Managed Install and after PONR, the Amended Requested Date is Rejected “Amend Requested Date Rejected” to Losing Provider
If the WLTO Order is Managed Install and after PONR, delay WLTO Order and send Delay Reappoint notification “LCP Amended Requested Date” to Gaining Provider
Manage Reappointment with Gaining Provider
Update Losing Provider Amended Requested Date
Notify Amend Requested Date Accepted
Losing Provider now “Has Control” for the WLTO Order Date
In support of the One Touch Switch launch in October, the seller will make the below changes.
Removal of 10 day lead time on non-appointed switches
Ability for losing provider to cancel an unsolicited switch on a cease
Additional information about the ONT installed at the property will be returned in QueryInstallation, this will include the ONT Identifier (serial number) and the ONT port.
RFS_3 properties are eligible for non-appointed remote activations. If the Buyer does not wish to include any auxiliary products (i.e. CPE Install), then a non-appointed activation can be ordered, for next working day onwards.
If the RFS_3 property requires an ONT Swap or CPE Install, then this will require an appointment, and the standard lead times will be applied.
If the product being ordered requires a higher bandwidth than the current ONT supports, then an engineer appointment may be required to change the ONT installed at the property.
When querying for products at a property with an installed ONT(RFS_3 or RFS_4) we will perform a check of the ONT type that is currently installed against the products that are available to check if the products that are being returned will support the installed ONT type.
You can view whether an appointment is required by performing a Query Products for Location request. In the response you will be able to see whether an appointmentRequired is yes/maybe/no.
If an order is placed against a property with an installed ONT and the product does not support the installed ONT type then the order will require an appointment otherwise it will be rejected.
Ofcom introduced the Voluntary Code of Practice for an Automatic Compensation Scheme that enables Communications Providers to calculate and make automatic compensation payments to end customers where there has been a delay in the provision or repair of their service and where an appointment has been missed.
Provision Missed Appointment Notification is one of a number of related requirements that support CPs deliver accurate delay and missed appointment compensation for non-end customer failures, i.e. failures encountered that were not the end customer’s fault, and introduces additional KCI notifications to the CP with details of missed appointments and additional attributes for a late provision order.
Currently the SLAs that are covered by CityFibre only cover the payment to CPs for any delay or missed appointments. They do not consider SLA or SLG payments for end customers.
This requirement only covers the technical changes to the API to support additional KCI notifications. Manual processes related to Auto Compensation Reporting from CityFibre will be covered separately but may be referenced below.
The scope covers:
Late Provision Notification is one of a number of related requirements that support CPs deliver accurate delay and missed appointment compensation for non-end customer failures, i.e. failures encountered that were not the end customer’s fault, and introduces additional KCI notifications to the CP with details of missed appointments and additional attributes for a late provision order.
Currently the SLAs that are covered by CityFibre only cover the payment to CPs for any delay or missed appointments. They do not consider SLA or SLG payments for end customers.
This requirement only covers the technical changes to the API to support additional KCI notifications. Manual processes related to Auto Compensation Reporting from CityFibre will be covered separately but may be referenced below.
The scope covers:
A MBORC (Matters Beyond our Reasonable Control) event can be declared for both Provision and Repair Appointments based on local constraints.
The existing MBORC process will be reused for Auto Compensation.
Type of MBORC on System | Auto Compensation Late Provision SLA payable for delays on order (Provision) | Auto Compensation Late Repair SLA payable for delays on faults (Repair) | Auto Compensation Missed appointment SLA payable for missed appointments |
Missed Appointment-Provision | Y | NA | N |
Missed Appointment-Repair | NA | Y | N |
N = Auto Compensation does not apply (i.e. excluded due to MBORC)
Y = Auto Compensation applies (i.e. MBORC exclusion is not applicable)
NA = Not Applicable - MBORC not relevant
Exclusion Reason Code | Wording for Industry presentation | Sample Scenarios |
RC001 | End Customer/Communications Provider requested cancellation of job (Due to late cancellation this needed to be provided and then ceased) | Order has been cancelled late, CityFibre systems are unable to cancel and must either complete the Order Journey or cancel the order after the missed appointment. |
RC002 | End Customer (or agent) caused damage to equipment or wiring | |
RC003 | End Customer access issues | No access to end customer premises No suitable person available at end customer premises End customer created access issues Wayleave refused No Access Possible Hazard |
RC010 | Not total loss of Service | |
RC012 | MBORC | |
RC014 | Communications Providers access or site details unavailable or incorrect | When the CP wants to manage the access and their details are unavailable or incorrect |
RC016 | Temporary Service has been provided but additional work was required to provide permanent service. | All services have been restored; however, further quality work is required (the order/fault may remain open until this is completed) |
RC036 | Delivery date amended to a new date by the CP (prior to the original date), or the CP did not choose the earliest available date offered | Earliest available date not originally chosen, or CP requested date change |
RC037 | CP did not choose the earliest available date offered | Earliest available date not originally chosen |
RC043a | Site Unsafe | Hazard End User Issue |
Should an FTTP order be delayed, a delay code will be provided along with a recommended next best action to take.
For example a delay code of 220 may be returned for ‘Pet Behaviour’, with the recommended Next Best Action message "Before reappointing, please engage customer and mitigate on-site pet animal hazard. Reappoint with the customer after completion of contact and agreed action."
For an example of a message containing a next best action, see the notify of order status webhooks
A case may be raised by the Seller, to deal with an issue related to an order, for example if there has been an installation issue.
These cases will enable a two way conversation via case comments between the Seller and the Buyer, using KCI notifications and order amendments.
If a Case has already been closed, and the Buyer sends a new comment, this amendment will be rejected.
Ethernet services for businesses differ from FTTP as they offer symmetric committed information rates and transparently deliver packets without the PPPoE/DHCP authentication used in FTTP. These services may be delivered over the Full Fibre or Metro networks.
The buyer sends the seller a request containing either a postcode or a UPRN.
The seller then responds with detailed information about the queried location. If the buyer queried using a UPRN, the response will contain only one location. On a postcode request, the seller might respond with multiple locations that match the given postcode.
The seller then queries the products available at a given location using the location’s UPRN as the address key.
The seller will then respond with the following information. One or multiple products if available at that location, whether an appointment is required (“maybe”) and the indicative distance in meters from the centre of the postcode submitted to the nearest CityFibre network asset (for Metro Ethernet results).
Ethernet Products can be seen in the Products Reference
Build costs are likely to be within the standard installation charge.
There are likely to be some additional construction charges in addition to the standard installation fee. There are likely to be additional checks needed before your order is processed and additional build time if your order is accepted.
There are likely to be significant additional construction charges on top of the standard installation fee. There are likely to be additional checks needed before your order is processed and additional build time if your order is accepted.
CityFibre have three API environments: CFSIT, CFStaging and Production
CFSIT is considered a development sandbox for customer system integration testing. This environment will allow customers to:
CFStaging is the environment where customers and CityFibre can collaboratively complete end-to-end functional verification before enabling access in Production. Test Scenarios are included in the document named: New ISP Onboarding Test Scenario Verification.xlsx
The process starts with access being provided to the pre-production environments, once the customer has provided the information specified below.
Customers can use CFSIT as a sandbox during their development for testing purposes.
When the customer is ready, access to CFStaging will be given in order to complete the end-to-end verification. A joint session can be held to verify the scenarios listed below, or the customer can complete the scenarios in isolation. The completed Test Scenario document should be returned to CityFibre detailing the completed mandatory tests. The verification is designed to ensure that the customer is able to complete all the necessary API calls systematically.
In order for CityFibre to set up the environments for the customer, the following details for Pre-Production and Production are required.
Client SSL certificate for validating authentication
A secure SOAP HTTP endpoint
A list or range of IP addresses
CityFibre will assign a Unique Buyer Identifier for each environment and provide this to the customer in advance. These must then be used for all API calls for the relevant environment.
The individual API calls are included in the document named New ISP Onboarding Test Verificaion.xlsx and cover the following End-to-end, in flight and in life scenarios:
Code | Meaning | Description |
NOT_RFS_0 | Not in area | Not within an area being considered |
NOT_RFS_1 | City Selected / In Planning | In an area that is currently being or will be planned |
NOT_RFS_2 | Planning Complete / Under Construction | In an area that has been planned and/or construction is currently in progress |
NOT_RFS_3 | Unable to Pass Property (Hard LOC/OOS/Not Viable) | Passive network for Property will not be built |
NOT_RFS_4 | New Address | This is a new address and will not be built as wasn't planned |
RFS_0 | Property Passed - Soft LOC | Passive network to Property built - but cannot do installation |
RFS_1 | Property Passed | Passive network to Property built - ready for install |
RFS_2 | Connected Externally | Passive network to Property built - and Property garden dig complete |
RFS_3 | Connected Internally | Passive network to Property built - and Property home install complete |
RFS_4 | Active | Property fully cabled end to end (service may or may not be live) |
Type | LOC Codes | Description |
Advisory | SUR | Survey Required |
Advisory | WSD | Wayleave Shared Drive |
Advisory | DTL | Drive Too Long |
Soft | WAY | Wayleave Owner/Landlord |
Soft | NIS | Not Immediately Serviceable (i.e. Premise will move to RFS_0) |
Soft | AUD | Audit Required |
Soft | WREF | Wayleave Refused |
Soft | BP | Business Park |
Soft | FCK | Feasibility Check Failed |
Soft | MDU | MDU Pathway from Public Highway to Main Building Present |
Temp | PRRD | Wayleave Private Road |
Temp | ADRD | Wayleave Unadopted Road |
Temp | RFB | Ready For Build |
Temp | NOTDES | Not Designed |
Temp | SSEC58 | NRSWA Sec58/117 restrictions |
Temp | MISC | No other LOC Scenario Applies |
Temp | PIA | Physical Infrastructure Access |
Hard | UEL | Uneconomic Length |
Hard | UEST | Uneconomic Surface Type |
Hard | SED | Uneconomic Special Engineering Difficulty |
Hard | OOR | Out of Optical Range |
Hard | OOS | Out of Scope (Planned but not being build) |
Note that product availability is determined by contract so not all products are available to all buyers.
The available products depend on the contract between the buyer and the seller.
Product availability to a location should always be checked via the Query Products for Location API call before placing an order.
Code | Name | Description |
fttpl2bs | Layer 2 FTTP 1.0Gbps Business Local Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 1.0Gbps Business (Standard) Local Handoff |
ftthl2b | FTTH L2 Business | Layer 2 FTTP 1000Mbps Business Premium Local Handoff |
ftthl2r | FTTH L2 Residential | FTTH Layer 2 Local Residential Service |
ftthl2rn | FTTH L2 National Residential | FTTP Layer 2 National Residential Service |
fttpl2bsn | Layer 2 FTTP 1.0Gbps Business National Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 1.0Gbps Business (Standard) National Handoff |
fttpl2bn | FTTP L2 National Business | Layer 2 FTTP 1000Mbps Business Premium National Handoff |
fttpl2rlite | FTTP L2 Residential 160 | FTTP Layer 2 Local Residential Service |
fttpl2rnlite | FTTP L2 National Residential 160 | FTTP Layer 2 National Residential Service |
fttpl2blite | FTTP L2 Business 160 | FTTP Layer 2 Local Business Service |
fttpl2bnlite | FTTP L2 National Business 160 | FTTP Layer 2 National Business Service |
fttpl2b-2500l | Layer 2 FTTP 2.5Gbps Business Local Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 2.5Gbps Business Local Handoff |
fttpl2b-2500n | Layer 2 FTTP 2.5Gbps Business National Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 2.5Gbps Business National Handoff |
fttpl2b-2000l | Layer 2 FTTP 2.0Gbps Business Local Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 2.0Gbps Business Local Handoff |
fttpl2b-2000n | Layer 2 FTTP 2.0Gbps Business National Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 2.0Gbps Business National Handoff |
fttpl2b-1200l | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Business Local Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Business Local Handoff |
fttpl2b-1200n | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Business National Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Business National Handoff |
fttpl2b-1200al | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Business Local Handoff Asymmetric | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Business Local Handoff Asymmetric |
fttpl2b-1200an | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Business National Handoff Asymmetric | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Business National Handoff Asymmetric |
fttpl2r-2500l | Layer 2 FTTP 2.5Gbps Residential Local Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 2.5Gbps Residential Local Handoff |
fttpl2r-2500n | Layer 2 FTTP 2.5Gbps Residential National Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 2.5Gbps Residential National Handoff |
fttpl2r-2000l | Layer 2 FTTP 2.0Gbps Residential Local Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 2.0Gbps Residential Local Handoff |
fttpl2r-2000n | Layer 2 FTTP 2.0Gbps Residential National Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 2.0Gbps Residential National Handoff |
fttpl2r-1200l | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Residential Local Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Residential Local Handoff |
fttpl2r-1200n | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Residential National Handoff | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Residential National Handoff |
fttpl2r-1200al | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Residential Local Handoff Asymmetric | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Residential Local Handoff Asymmetric |
fttpl2r-1200an | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Residential National Handoff Asymmetric | Layer 2 FTTP 1.2Gbps Residential National Handoff Asymmetric |
Code | Name |
enni-tail-eth-100 | Ethernet 100 |
enni-tail-eth-1000-flex | Ethernet 1000 Flex |
enni-tail-eth-md1000 | Ethernet 1000 |
Code | Name | Description |
CPEInst1 | FTTR CPE Install | Customer Premises Equipment |
ResBBU1 | FTTR BBU Install | Battery Back Up |
ResVOIP1 | FTTR VOIP Install | Voice over Internet Protocol |
The Seller provides the ability to order services that are provisioned with VLAN 0 or VLAN 911.
Line profiles will be returned in the query products response. The line profiles returned will be those eligible for the product selected, and the Buyer.
The allowed values depend on the contract between the buyer and the seller.
PIR (Mbps) Downstream | PIR (Mbps) Upstream | CIR (Mbps) Downstream | CIR (Mbps) Upstream | API Call name | Service |
110 | 110 | 30 | 15 | G110/15/30 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
110 | 110 | 30 | 15 | G110/15/30-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
110 | 110 | 30 | 15 | G110/110/30/15-U | Untagged |
220 | 220 | 40 | 15 | G220/15/40 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
220 | 220 | 40 | 15 | G220/15/40-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
220 | 220 | 40 | 15 | G220/220/40/15-U | Untagged |
550 | 550 | 50 | 25 | G550/25/50 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
550 | 550 | 50 | 25 | G550/25/50-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
550 | 550 | 50 | 25 | G550/550/50/25-U | Untagged |
1000 | 1000 | 70 | 35 | G1000/35/70 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
1000 | 1000 | 70 | 35 | G1000/35/70-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
1000 | 1000 | 70 | 35 | G1000/1000/70/35-U | Untagged |
1000 | 1000 | 40 | 20 | G1000/20/40 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
1000 | 1000 | 40 | 20 | G1000/20/40-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
1000 | 1000 | 40 | 20 | G1000/1000/40/20-U | Untagged |
0.064 | 0.064 | 0.064 | 0.064 | G64K/64K | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
0.064 | 0.064 | 0.064 | 0.064 | G64K/64K-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
0.064 | 0.064 | 0.064 | 0.064 | G64K/64K/64K/64K-U | Untagged |
PIR (Mbps) Downstream | PIR (Mbps) Upstream | CIR (Mbps) Downstream | CIR (Mbps) Upstream | API Call name | Service |
160 | 160 | 10 | 10 | G160/10/10 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
160 | 160 | 10 | 10 | G160/10/10-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
110 | 110 | 10 | 10 | G110/10/10 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
110 | 110 | 10 | 10 | G110/10/10-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
90 | 90 | 10 | 10 | G90/10/10 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
90 | 90 | 10 | 10 | G90/10/10-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
45 | 45 | 10 | 10 | G45/10/10 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
45 | 45 | 10 | 10 | G45/10/10-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
PIR (Mbps) Downstream | PIR (Mbps) Upstream | CIR (Mbps) Downstream | CIR (Mbps) Upstream | API Call name | Service |
1000 | 1000 | 100 | 40 | BF1000/40/100 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
1000 | 1000 | 100 | 40 | BF1000/40/100-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
PIR (Mbps) Downstream | PIR (Mbps) Upstream | CIR (Mbps) Downstream | CIR (Mbps) Upstream | API Call name | Service |
160 | 160 | 10 | 10 | G160/10/10 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
160 | 160 | 10 | 10 | G160/10/10-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
PIR (Mbps) Downstream | PIR (Mbps) Upstream | CIR (Mbps) Downstream | CIR (Mbps) Upstream | API Call name | Service |
2500 | 2500 | 70 | 35 | G2500/35/70-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
2500 | 2500 | 70 | 35 | G2500/35/70 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
1800 | 1800 | 70 | 35 | G1800/35/70-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
1800 | 1800 | 70 | 35 | G1800/35/70 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
1200 | 1200 | 70 | 35 | G1200/35/70-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
1200 | 1200 | 70 | 35 | G1200/35/70 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
PIR (Mbps) Downstream | PIR (Mbps) Upstream | CIR (Mbps) Downstream | CIR (Mbps) Upstream | API Call name | Service |
1200 | 1200 | 70 | 35 | G1200/35/70-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
1200 | 1200 | 70 | 35 | G1200/35/70 | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
PIR (Mbps) Downstream | PIR (Mbps) Upstream | CIR (Mbps) Downstream | CIR (Mbps) Upstream | API Call name | Service |
2000 | 1000 | 70 | 35 | G2000/35/70A-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
2000 | 1000 | 70 | 35 | G2000/35/70A | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
1800 | 1000 | 70 | 35 | G1800/35/70A-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
1800 | 1000 | 70 | 35 | G1800/35/70A | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
1200 | 1000 | 70 | 35 | G1200/35/70A-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
1200 | 1000 | 70 | 35 | G1200/35/70A | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
PIR (Mbps) Downstream | PIR (Mbps) Upstream | CIR (Mbps) Downstream | CIR (Mbps) Upstream | API Call name | Service |
1200 | 1000 | 70 | 35 | G1200/35/70A-Vl911 | Tagged (Vlan 911) [AF+EF] |
1200 | 1000 | 70 | 35 | G1200/35/70A | Tagged (Vlan 0) [AF+EF] |
CityFibre categorise all premises as either a Standard, Extended Standard or Non-Standard Installation. Rates and appointment SLAs for these types of installation are as per the Service Provider agreement.
To identify a premise as a Standard Installation the Service Provider should assume: PRE-RFS: That any UPRN without any value in the LOC Field will be a Standard Installation POST-RFS: That any UPRN with RFS code RFS_1 and no value in the LOC field is a Standard Installation
To identify a premise as an Extended Standard Installation the Service Provider should assume: PRE-RFS: That any UPRN with a value of SUR or WSD in the LOC Field will be an Extended Standard Installation POST-RFS: That any UPRN with RFS code RFS_1 and a value of SUR or WSD value in the LOC field is an Extended Standard Installation
To identify a premise as a Non-Standard Installation the Service Provider should assume: PRE-RFS: That any UPRN with a value of MDU or UEL or UST in the LOC Field will be a Non-Standard Installation POST-RFS: That any UPRN with RFS code RFS_1 and a value of MDU or UEL or UST value in the LOC field is a Non-Standard Installation
The following status codes are defined. This list may be extended, and all unknown codes should be treated as "other reason". The text displayed below is not the same as the text returned by the API. These are just descriptions of what the codes mean. For testing/development the buyer should use the codes to identify errors/warnings etc. The API messages may change at any time without warning but the codes will retain their meaning.
None currently defined
Code | Description |
200 | Awaiting buyer action |
201 | Buyer-initiated exception |
202 | Seller checking feasibility |
203 | Seller manual provisioning or Survey underway |
204 | Resolving network issue |
205 | Select ENNI/VLAN |
206 | Select Requested Date |
210 | Pre-Order Awaiting Cabinet Release |
211 | Access gained - Unable to gain approval for network delivery install route from customer |
212 | Access gained - PTW / Wayleave not obtained as customer requires permission |
213 | Wayleave Permission Not Agreed |
214 | Shared Drive Not Agreed |
215 | Landlord Not Agreed |
216 | Route Approver Not Present |
217 | Internal Route Not Agreed |
218 | External Route Not Agreed |
219 | Customer Behaviour |
220 | Pet Behaviour |
221 | Environment Unsuitable |
222 | Scaffolding |
223 | Asbestos |
224 | Customer Not In |
225 | Customer Ill |
226 | OTD due to Illness |
227 | Already Rescheduled |
228 | Would Like to Reschedule |
229 | OTD on call ahead by Engineer - No Property Visit Made |
231 | No access - Premises Unoccupied or Vacant |
232 | Already Have Fibre |
233 | Never Ordered |
234 | Need More Info from ISP |
235 | Address Incorrect |
236 | Unable to locate Building |
238 | Winback |
239 | Cancelled Already |
240 | Changed My Mind |
241 | No Knowledge of Appointment |
242 | Tree Line of Sight |
243 | Flat Roof |
244 | Extended Install Encountered |
245 | Non Standard Install Encountered |
246 | Revisit Required |
247 | Matters Beyond Reasonable Control |
248 | Failed to Attend |
249 | Incomplete Network |
250 | No Infrastructure present |
251 | Openreach D Pole |
252 | No Capacity at SN/ASN Available |
253 | Toby Move required |
254 | Line of Sight issue |
255 | Blockage - Gel Wrap |
256 | Blockage - Lead In (Openreach) |
257 | Unable to blow fibre between the Secondary Node cab and Toby |
258 | No Light (SN/PN) |
259 | No Light (ASN) |
260 | Light reading out of scope (High or Low optical signal) |
261 | ONT Issue |
262 | CPR Dry Install Complete |
263 | CPR Dry Install Not Complete |
264 | No dial tone |
265 | Additional Assistance |
266 | CF Solution Required |
267 | Occupancy change |
268 | Incorrect Property Type |
269 | Line of Sight Not Rectifiable |
270 | ONT Power Issue |
299 | Other reason |
Code | Description |
110 | Buyer Appointment Amendment |
111 | Seller Appointment Amendment |
112 | Customer Cancellation - Seller To Reappoint |
300 | No longer required |
301 | Failed to perform cabinet patch |
302 | Failed to install property drop fibre |
303 | Failed to activate service |
304 | Order timed out at seller |
305 | Unable to obtain wayleave or survey failed |
306 | Site unsafe |
307 | No access |
308 | No access - Premises Unoccupied or Vacant |
309 | Sales query (customer disagrees with captured details of order or has changed their mind) |
310 | Unforeseen circumstance (which would be prohibitively expensive to resolve) |
311 | Unable to Attend - Matters beyond our reasonable control (e.g. weather) |
312 | Unable to Attend - Network or Systems not ready or Wayleave/survey not completed in time |
313 | Fault at Node (or between Toby and Node) |
314 | Fault at POP (or between Node and POP) |
315 | Fault at ONT (or between Toby and ONT) |
316 | Partial Install, additional service failed |
317 | Selected ENNI/sVLAN/cVLAN not available |
318 | No fibre route or insufficient capacity [used in alaOrderCancelled] |
319 | Invalid Appointment Configuration |
320 | New Acquisition |
321 | No Truck Roll |
322 | Unable to install auxiliary service (Faulty / Missing / Unsuitable) |
399 | Other reason |
Code | Description |
500 | Property unknown or not in coverage area |
501 | Property not RFS_1 or available for preorder |
502 | Property already has active service |
503 | No fibre route or insufficient capacity [used in alaOrderRejected] |
504 | Unknown or invalid service ID |
505 | Service is not active |
506 | Invalid appointment type |
507 | Invalid product or product options (line profile, auxiliary services) |
509 | No available appointment slot |
510 | Unknown, invalid or expired reservation ID |
511 | Unknown, invalid or expired Project Reference |
512 | Invalid order type |
520 | Reserved (to avoid confusion with corresponding Openreach status codes) |
530 | Reserved (to avoid confusion with corresponding Openreach status codes) |
540 | Reserved (to avoid confusion with corresponding Openreach status codes) |
598 | Invalid arguments |
599 | System error |
Description |
Before reappointing, please engage customer and mitigate on-site pet animal hazard. Reappoint with the customer after completion of contact and agreed action. |
CityFibre have declared MBORC. Please await further information. |
During our pre-checks we've identified an issue in our network. We're working to resolve. Check API/Portal updates for the latest status. No action needed from the ISP |
It's important to ensure that the necessary permissions are obtained ahead of the installation. Once the customer has received permission from their landlord, please re-appoint the service. If not granted, please cancel the service. |
It's important to ensure that the necessary permissions are obtained ahead of the installation. Once the customer has received permission from their neighbours, please re-appoint the service. If not granted, please cancel the service. |
It's important to ensure that the necessary permissions are obtained ahead of the installation. Once the customer has received permission, please re-appoint the service. If not granted, please cancel the service. |
Kindly get in touch with the customer as the installation has been declined whilst onsite as they are stating they never ordered it. Please re-appoint or cancel the order depending on the conversation with the customer |
Kindly get in touch with the customer to determine if they wish to proceed with installation and reschedule if required, as the installation has been declined whilst onsite. Please re-appoint or cancel the order depending on the conversation with the customer |
On arrival at the premises, we've identified that it's been converted into multiple properties. This means at this time we need to review how we serve this property as the designated fibre is already in use. |
On arrival the premises looks to be vacant and unoccupied. Please engage with the customer and reappoint when confirmed by the customer they are available. |
Our engineer has raised that they encountered incidents of improper conduct during their visit to the customer. As a precautionary measure, it is advisable to communicate with the client before arranging any future appointment. |
Our engineers faced a hazard onsite. The customer must remove all hazards before continuing work to ensure everyone's safety. Please collaborate with the customer to fix the problem before scheduling another appointment. |
Our engineers faced an unsafe work environment. The customer must remove all hazards before continuing work to ensure everyone's safety. Please collaborate with the customer to fix the problem before scheduling another appointment. |
Our engineers faced scaffolding in the environment. We cannot work whilst this exists. The customer must remove this before continuing work. Please collaborate with the customer to fix the problem before scheduling another appointment. |
Our team is aware of a network issue affecting light reaching customer's property. We're working to resolve it as quickly as possible. Check API/portal for updates. No action required from ISP. |
The address on the order is incorrect. Please check it is correct and reorder if not at the correct address. |
The customer cancelled the visit when our engineer called them. Please engage and re-appoint the order |
The customer changed the appointment beyond the point of no return. No action required other than confirming |
The customer has a query which is relevant to you and needs resolving before they wish to proceed with the installation. Please can you speak to the customer and resolve their query before re-appointing. |
The customer told us on pre-call / text they were unwell and not available for the appt. Please can you contact the customer and re-appoint for a time when they are feeling better. |
The installation cannot proceed due to an asbestos risk encountered by our engineer. The customer must address this issue before we can continue with the installation. Only reappoint once the issue has been mitigated. |
The recommended external network route was not feasible option for the customer. Please engage the customer to explore alternative locations. If none of the options work, please cancel the service or reappoint if a viable route can be agreed. |
The recommended internal network route was not feasible option for the customer. Please engage the customer to explore alternative locations. If none of the options work, please cancel the service or reappoint if a viable route can be agreed. |
The recommended network route was not feasible option for the customer. Please engage the customer to explore alternative locations. If none of the options work, please cancel the service or reappoint if a viable route can be agreed. |
There was an issue during installation that we are working to resolve. Check API/portal updates for the latest status. No action needed from the ISP. |
There was an issue during installation that we are working to resolve. Check API/portal updates for the latest status. No action needed from the ISP. No action for ISP at this time |
There was an issue with accessing the customer's flat roof, our team is working hard to find a solution. Stay up-to-date on the latest status in the API/portal. There is no need for any ISP action at this time. |
We couldn't locate the property on our visit. Please provide more location information or landmarks to help the next engineer. Please reappoint with additional information |
We're sorry for not being able to meet the scheduled appointment. Please re-appoint |
We've encountered a network issue during installation, but we're working on it. Check the API/portal for updates on your order. No action needed on your end. |
We've visited the property today and nobody was in. Please re-appoint. |
Your customer has amended their appointment. No action required for the ISP |
Your customer has cancelled the appointment. Please contact the customer and engage them to reappoint the order. |
We've amended your customer’s appointment. No action required for the ISP. |
We've encountered a network issue during remote activation. The ONT may have been switched off or have been removed. Please reappoint for an engineer visit. |
We've encountered a network issue during remote activation. Please reappoint for an engineer visit. |
During our pre-checks we've identified an issue in our network that's preventing us providing service on the chosen appointment day. We're working hard to resolve, please check API/Portal updates for the latest status after 48 hours. No action needed from the ISP. |
The buyer can query address availability. The buyer can search by postcode to get a list of locations which may be available to order to in that region or may look up a single address via UPRN
To check the availability of a given location, the buyer should send a request containing either a postcode or a UPRN.
The seller is then going to respond with detailed information about the queried location.
If the buyer queried using a UPRN, the response will contain only one location.
On a postcode request, the seller might respond with multiple locations that match the given postcode.
The location details include among other fields: UPRN, RFS (Ready For Service) status, cabinet release date, LOC (Limit Of Construction), if the order will be a preorder (aka <cfh:preOrder/> XML tag is returned).
required | object (message) The meta-data of the request. It includes information regarding the message UUID, transaction ID and the sent timestamp |
required | object (buyer) The Service Provider who consumes the service is the buyer |
required | object (seller) the Active Network Operator who provides the service is the seller |
required | Address Key (object) or Postcode (object) |
Query Address Search Response
Failed XML Schema Validation
<queryAddressSearchRequest xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <location> <addressKey>123456</addressKey> </location> </queryAddressSearchRequest>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <queryAddressSearchResponse xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>5cd77a84-f329-4cec-af7e-521e7a7e0861</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2017-10-18T17:10:33Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <queryAddressSearchAccepted> <locations> <location> <addressKey>200002813013</addressKey> <addressKeyType> <recognisedAddressKey/> </addressKeyType> <britishAddress> <buildingNumber>12</buildingNumber> <dependentThoroughfareName>CROSS LANE</dependentThoroughfareName> <thoroughfareName>BRIDGE STREET</thoroughfareName> <postTown>LONDON</postTown> <postcode>SW1A 2JX</postcode> </britishAddress> <gpsCoordinates> <gpsLatitude>N 51 50.114</gpsLatitude> <gpsLongitude>W 0 12.847</gpsLongitude> </gpsCoordinates> <cfh:rfs_status>RFS_4</cfh:rfs_status> <cfh:cabinet_area>YO-CB01</cfh:cabinet_area> <cfh:cabinet_release_date>2017-10-01</cfh:cabinet_release_date> <cfh:cabinet_date_rating>DR0</cfh:cabinet_date_rating> <cfh:property_classification>Residential</cfh:property_classification> <cfh:demand_point_type_category>Individual property</cfh:demand_point_type_category> <cfh:drop_architecture_type_category>Underground</cfh:drop_architecture_type_category> </location> <location> <addressKey>200002813014</addressKey> <addressKeyType> <recognisedAddressKey/> </addressKeyType> <britishAddress> <buildingNumber>14</buildingNumber> <dependentThoroughfareName>CROSS LANE</dependentThoroughfareName> <thoroughfareName>BRIDGE STREET</thoroughfareName> <postTown>LONDON</postTown> <postcode>SW1A 2JX</postcode> </britishAddress> <cfh:rfs_status>RFS_1</cfh:rfs_status> <cfh:cabinet_area>YO-CB01</cfh:cabinet_area> <cfh:cabinet_release_date>2017-10-01</cfh:cabinet_release_date> <cfh:cabinet_date_rating>DR0</cfh:cabinet_date_rating> <cfh:property_classification>Residential</cfh:property_classification> <cfh:demand_point_type_category>Maisonette</cfh:demand_point_type_category> <cfh:drop_architecture_type_category>Underground</cfh:drop_architecture_type_category> </location> <location> <addressKey>200002813015</addressKey> <addressKeyType> <recognisedAddressKey/> </addressKeyType> <britishAddress> <organisationName>CLIFTON MOOR CHURCH & COMMUNITY CENTRE</organisationName> <dependentThoroughfareName>CROSS LANE</dependentThoroughfareName> <thoroughfareName>RIVELIN WAY</thoroughfareName> <postTown>YORK</postTown> <postcode>YO30 4WD</postcode> </britishAddress> <cfh:rfs_status>NOT_RFS_3</cfh:rfs_status> <cfh:cabinet_area>YO-CB01</cfh:cabinet_area> <cfh:cabinet_release_date>2017-10-01</cfh:cabinet_release_date> <cfh:cabinet_date_rating>DR0</cfh:cabinet_date_rating> <cfh:loc_flags>WAY UEL UST</cfh:loc_flags> <cfh:property_classification>Residential</cfh:property_classification> <cfh:demand_point_type_category>Small apartment block</cfh:demand_point_type_category> <cfh:drop_architecture_type_category>Overground</cfh:drop_architecture_type_category> </location> </locations> </queryAddressSearchAccepted> </queryAddressSearchResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
The buyer can query appointment availability, reserve an appointment and include the reservation key in the order request. If this is not done, the order will go into a waiting state and not progress, the buyer will need to reserve an appointment and then amend the order to include the appointment reservation key before the order can complete.
To check the availability for an appointment on a given location, timeframe, and product.
The buyer should send a request containing a UPRN.
The seller is then going to respond with detailed information about available appointment slots.
Appointment Availability Response
Failed XML Schema Validation
<queryAppointmentAvailabilityRequest xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <addressKey>10002491172</addressKey> <appointmentsFrom>2017-10-18</appointmentsFrom> <appointmentType> <order/> </appointmentType> <cfh:productName>ftthl2r</cfh:productName> <cfh:ispMigration>false</cfh:ispMigration> <cfh:reappointment>false</cfh:reappointment> </queryAppointmentAvailabilityRequest>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <queryAppointmentAvailabilityResponse xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>bf1efe1f-f5fc-47e7-9d53-d2b16529aa4c</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2022-05-18T11:23:07.710Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <queryAppointmentAvailabilityAccepted> <appointmentSlots></appointmentSlots> </queryAppointmentAvailabilityAccepted> </queryAppointmentAvailabilityResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
In order to reserve an appointment, the buyer should provide the UPRN, product and the appointment slot that they desire to the seller
Reserve Appointment Response
Failed XML Schema Validation
<reserveAppointmentRequest xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <appointmentSlot> <appointmentDate>2012-01-20</appointmentDate> <appointmentStartTime>08:00</appointmentStartTime> <appointmentEndTime>13:00</appointmentEndTime> </appointmentSlot> <appointmentType> <order/> </appointmentType> <cfh:productName>ftthl2r</cfh:productName> <cfh:addressKey>123456789012</cfh:addressKey> <cfh:ispMigration>false</cfh:ispMigration> <cfh:reappointment>false</cfh:reappointment> </reserveAppointmentRequest>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <reserveAppointmentResponse xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>c6d0b303-625a-4ee3-ab53-5e616d728755</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2022-05-20T09:58:23.439Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <reserveAppointmentAccepted> <appointment> <appointmentDate>2022-05-24</appointmentDate> <appointmentStartTime>08:00</appointmentStartTime> <appointmentEndTime>13:00</appointmentEndTime> <appointmentReservationKey>EI7PBRU6TL8KN1YNGO8ICEUI0UDFE9M8</appointmentReservationKey> <appointmentReservationValidUntil>2022-05-20T21:58:26.822Z</appointmentReservationValidUntil> </appointment> </reserveAppointmentAccepted> </reserveAppointmentResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Place an order for a new service
The ALA Provider will respond with an orderResponse to signify that the request has been accepted for processing. Subsequent updates about the order will be provided via NotifyOfOrderStatus
required | object (message) The meta-data of the request. It includes information regarding the message UUID, transaction ID and the sent timestamp |
required | object (newOrderReferences) Reference for the order for this buyer |
required | object (buyer) The Service Provider who consumes the service is the buyer |
required | object (seller) the Active Network Operator who provides the service is the seller |
required | PPPoE (object) or L2DHCP (object) (alaNewInstall) |
Order request doesn't have any informative response (except 400, 401, 403 errors like Amend & Cancel) so Order Response is empty by default. We use NotifyOfOrderStatus instead to provide all useful information about the Order.
Broken XML (400 Bad Request)
<orderRequest xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <orderReferences> <buyerOrderReference>CST1234567</buyerOrderReference> </orderReferences> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <alaNewInstall> <cfh:ispMigration>false</cfh:ispMigration> <location> <addressKey>200004753612</addressKey> </location> <site> <accessRestrictions>Access-related issue</accessRestrictions> <hazards>Hazard-related issue</hazards> <onSiteContactDetails> <primaryContact> <name>bob bob</name> <email></email> <telephoneNumber>+12345678987654</telephoneNumber> </primaryContact> <additionalContacts> <additionalContact> <name>bob bob</name> <email></email> <telephoneNumber>+12345678987654</telephoneNumber> </additionalContact> </additionalContacts> </onSiteContactDetails> </site> <appointment> <appointmentReservationKey>1234567</appointmentReservationKey> </appointment> <serviceItem> <product> <productName>ftthl2r</productName> </product> <alaServiceConfiguration> <cfh:lineProfile>G1000/35/70</cfh:lineProfile> <pppoeIntermediateAgent><enabled/></pppoeIntermediateAgent> <aucRemoteId>A123</aucRemoteId> </alaServiceConfiguration> <auxiliaryServices> <auxiliaryService> <auxiliaryServiceName>CPEInst1</auxiliaryServiceName> </auxiliaryService> </auxiliaryServices> </serviceItem> </alaNewInstall> </orderRequest>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <orderResponse xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""/> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Request a change to an active service
The ALA Provider will respond with an orderResponse to signify that the request has been accepted for processing. Subsequent updates about the order will be provided via NotifyOfOrderStatus
required | object (message) The meta-data of the request. It includes information regarding the message UUID, transaction ID and the sent timestamp |
required | object (orderReferences) Reference for the order for this buyer |
required | object (buyer) The Service Provider who consumes the service is the buyer |
required | object (seller) the Active Network Operator who provides the service is the seller |
required | object (alaModify) |
Order request doesn't have any informative response (except 400, 401, 403 errors like Amend & Cancel) so Order Response is empty by default. We use NotifyOfOrderStatus instead to provide all useful information about the Order.
Failed XML Schema Validation
<orderRequest xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <orderReferences> <buyerOrderReference>CST1234567</buyerOrderReference> </orderReferences> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <alaModify> <serviceIdentifier>SI2345432345345</serviceIdentifier> <serviceItem> <alaServiceConfiguration> <cfh:lineProfile>G1000/35/70</cfh:lineProfile> </alaServiceConfiguration> </serviceItem> </alaModify> </orderRequest>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <orderResponse xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""/> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Request that an active service is ceased
The ALA Provider will respond with an orderResponse to signify that the request has been accepted for processing. Subsequent updates about the order will be provided via NotifyOfOrderStatus
required | object (message) The meta-data of the request. It includes information regarding the message UUID, transaction ID and the sent timestamp |
required | object (orderReferences) Reference for the order for this buyer |
required | object (buyer) The Service Provider who consumes the service is the buyer |
required | object (seller) the Active Network Operator who provides the service is the seller |
required | object (alaCease) |
Order request doesn't have any informative response (except 400, 401, 403 errors like Amend & Cancel) so Order Response is empty by default. We use NotifyOfOrderStatus instead to provide all useful information about the Order.
Broken XML (400 Bad Request)
<orderRequest xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <orderReferences> <buyerOrderReference>CST1234567</buyerOrderReference> </orderReferences> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <alaCease> <serviceIdentifier>SI2345432345345</serviceIdentifier> </alaCease> </orderRequest>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <orderResponse xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""/> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Request to amend an in flight order.
An ALA Provider can either respond that the amendment is pending or can reject the amendment up front.
Request to amend an in flight order.
Amend Order Response
Broken XML (400 Bad Request)
<amendOrderRequest xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <orderReferences> <buyerOrderReference>CST999006-1</buyerOrderReference> </orderReferences> <targetSellerOrderReference>CFH123456543</targetSellerOrderReference> <serviceItem> <alaServiceConfiguration> <nniIdentifier>S1945</nniIdentifier> <nniSVlanId>24</nniSVlanId> <nniCVlandId>1234</nniCVlandId> </alaServiceConfiguration> </serviceItem> </amendOrderRequest>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <amendOrderResponse xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <orderReferences> <buyerOrderReference>CST999006-1</buyerOrderReference> </orderReferences> <amendmentPending/> </amendOrderResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Request to cancel an in flight order
The ALA Provider can either respond that the cancellation is pending or reject it up front.
Cancel Order Response
Broken XML (400 Bad Request)
<cancelOrderRequest xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <orderReferences> <buyerOrderReference>CST999005-5</buyerOrderReference> </orderReferences> <targetSellerOrderReference>CFH123456543</targetSellerOrderReference> <cancellationReason> <cancellationReasonCode>300</cancellationReasonCode> <cancellationReasonMessage>No longer required</cancellationReasonMessage> </cancellationReason> </cancelOrderRequest>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <cancelOrderResponse xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <orderReferences> <buyerOrderReference>CST999005-5</buyerOrderReference> </orderReferences> <cancellationPending/> </cancelOrderResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
The buyer can query product availability at a given UPRN. For more information about products please see the reference
Check the available products for a given location using the location's UPRN.
The seller will then respond with a list of one or multiple available products (if any) along with information about the need for an appointment (yes/no/maybe). For more information on products see the reference
Some products such as auxiliary services could depend on other products (this is indicated via the dependsOn property). For example ResVOIP1 can depend on CPEInst1, meaning if ResVOIP1 is ordered then CPEInst1 needs to be requested as well.
required | object (message) The meta-data of the request. It includes information regarding the message UUID, transaction ID and the sent timestamp |
required | object (buyer) The Service Provider who consumes the service is the buyer |
required | object (seller) the Active Network Operator who provides the service is the seller |
required | object (Address Key) |
Query Products For Location Response
Failed XML Schema Validation
<queryProductsForLocationRequest xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <location> <addressKey>123456</addressKey> </location> </queryProductsForLocationRequest>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <queryProductsForLocationResponse xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>560207a5-c6ff-42f5-9e4c-fa0175bc8704</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2017-10-12T13:09:06Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <queryProductsForLocationAccepted> <locations> <location> <addressKey>200004753569</addressKey> <addressKeyType> <recognisedAddressKey/> </addressKeyType> <availableProducts> <availableProduct> <productName>ftthl2r</productName> <appointmentRequired> <maybe/> </appointmentRequired> <cfh:nnis> <nniIdentifier>S123435</nniIdentifier> </cfh:nnis> </availableProduct> <availableProduct> <productName>ftthl2b</productName> <appointmentRequired> <maybe/> </appointmentRequired> <cfh:nnis> <nniIdentifier>S123435</nniIdentifier> </cfh:nnis> <cfh:availableLineProfiles> <cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:lineProfile>90/90/A/V</cfh:lineProfile> </cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:lineProfile>1000/1000/A/V</cfh:lineProfile> </cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:lineProfile>110/110/A/V</cfh:lineProfile> </cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:lineProfile>220/220/A/V</cfh:lineProfile> </cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:lineProfile>550/550/A/V</cfh:lineProfile> </cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:lineProfile>45/45/A/V</cfh:lineProfile> </cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:availableLineProfile> <cfh:lineProfile>2200/1000/A/V</cfh:lineProfile> </cfh:availableLineProfile> </cfh:availableLineProfiles> </availableProduct> </availableProducts> </location> </locations> </queryProductsForLocationAccepted> </queryProductsForLocationResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Get the information about such fields as: productName, serviceIdentifier, nniIdentifier, nniSVlanId, nniCVlandId, cfh:lineProfile, etc.
Query Installation Details Request
Query Installation Details Response
Failed XML Schema Validation
<queryInstallationDetailsRequest xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <serviceIdentifier>S123456</serviceIdentifier> </queryInstallationDetailsRequest>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <queryInstallationDetailsResponse xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>MSG54321</messageId> <correlationId>COR54321</correlationId> <sentAt>2024-03-22T13:00:00Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>BUYER54321</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>SELLER09876</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <queryInstallationDetailsAccepted> <activeService> <service> <serviceIdentifier>SERVICE54321</serviceIdentifier> <alaServiceConfiguration> <nniIdentifier>S1889</nniIdentifier> <nniSVlanId>20</nniSVlanId> <nniCVlandId>3052</nniCVlandId> <cfh:lineProfile>G1000/35/70</cfh:lineProfile> <pppoeIntermediateAgent> <enabled/> </pppoeIntermediateAgent> <aucRemoteId>A123</aucRemoteId> <cfh:ontIdentifier>123</cfh:ontIdentifier> <cfh:ontPort>123</cfh:ontPort> </alaServiceConfiguration> <product> <productName>ProductName</productName> </product> </service> </activeService> </queryInstallationDetailsAccepted> </queryInstallationDetailsResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Messages sent back to the ALA user to indicate progress of an order.
To facilitate correct construction of messages, these messages will either contain an alaOrderInProgress message if the order is in progress, alaOrderFailed if the order has failed or cancelled and alaOrderCompleted if the order has completed.
Acknowledgement of the message.
<notifyOfOrderStatus xmlns="" xmlns:cfh=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <orderReferences> <buyerOrderReference>CST1234567</buyerOrderReference> <sellerOrderReference>CFH123456543</sellerOrderReference> </orderReferences> <issuedAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</issuedAt> <sequenceNumber>0</sequenceNumber> <alaOrderStatus> <pending/> </alaOrderStatus> <alaOrderInProgress /> <notes> <note>No Toby to property</note> </notes> </notifyOfOrderStatus>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <notifyOfOrderStatusResponse xmlns="" /> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Acknowledgement of the message.
<unsolicitedCeaseRequest xmlns=""> <message> <messageId>b68b2cf4-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</messageId> <correlationId>bac72cfa-475e-11e1-a92e-fb2ff6467c99</correlationId> <sentAt>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</sentAt> </message> <buyer> <buyerIdentifier>SPDEV1</buyerIdentifier> </buyer> <seller> <sellerIdentifier>CITYFIBRE</sellerIdentifier> </seller> <orderReferences> <sellerOrderReference>CFH123456543</sellerOrderReference> </orderReferences> <serviceIdentifier>SI2345432345345</serviceIdentifier> <requestedDate>2012-01-20T18:30:43Z</requestedDate> <notes></notes> </unsolicitedCeaseRequest>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <unsolicitedCeaseResponse xmlns="" /> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>